Brazil SDS Authoring

National Regulations Governing SDSs

On September 5, 2022, Brazil’s edict 2770 incorporated the UN’s Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) into Brazilian law. The national regulation governing the use and authoring of SDSs in Brazil is standard ABNT NBR 14725:2023 which consolidates the following parts into one standard aligned with Revision 7 of the UN’s Purple Book:

ABNT NRB 14725-1 Terminology

ABNT NRB 14725-2 Hazard Classification System

ABNT NRB 14725-3 Labelling

ABNT NRB 14725-4 Safety Data Sheet or FDS (Ficha com Dados de Segurança)

Additional Regulations

For transport, chemical products must be in compliance with RESOLUTION No. 5,998, OF NOVEMBER 3, 2022.

1990 Consumer Code (Lei No. 8.078) mandates the ABNT standards for consumer products.

Decree 10.088 of November 5, 2019 provides for the promulgation of conventions and recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

GHS Implementation Status

GHS has been implemented in Brazil since 27 February 2011, however the regulations have since been updated and GHS labelling in Brazil will need to comply with Revision 7 of the United Nation’s Purple Book as of 4 July 2025.

Pure substances and mixtures must be classified according to NBR 14725-2, packed and labelled according to NBR 14725-, and their SDSs must be authored using NBR 14725-4.

Multi – Jurisdiction SDS Options

Combining Brazilian SDSs with other jurisdictions is not recommended.