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ECHA publishes list of pending Article 95 applications

This news update regarding pending Article 95 applications is brought to you by ECHA.



Thee publication is made to increase transparency and raise awareness among companies.





In order to increase transparency ahead of the 1 September 2015 deadline for the compliance with Article 95 of the BPR, ECHA publishes a list of all pending Article 95 applications. The list which contains the applications for which ECHA has not yet taken a decision will be updated regularly and its publication will be synchronised with the list of relevant substances and suppliers (“Article 95 list”).

It is important to note that the presence of a company for a given active substance/product type/role on the list of pending applications does not guarantee that the corresponding application will be successful and that the company will ultimately be included in the “Article 95 list”.




For more information regarding pending Article 95 applications please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for GHS compliance services.

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