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Sept. 10 EU: Registration numbers granted to 9 030 REACH 2013 registrations

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.



Registration numbers have been granted to 9 030 dossiers that were submitted by the second REACH registration deadline on 31 May 2013. This corresponds to 2 998 more substances being registered under REACH. ECHA is publishing the non-confidential information from these dossiers on its website.


According to the REACH Regulation, ECHA has three months to perform completeness checks on all registrations for phase-in substances submitted in the last two months before the registration deadline. The aim of the completeness check is to ensure that all required elements have been included in the registration dossier. The three-month period ended on 31 August and ECHA has managed to perform the completeness check for all dossiers submitted by the second REACH registration deadline.


Companies submitted in total 770 testing proposals in 376 dossiers. Of those, 563 were proposals to test on animals in order to fulfil the REACH information requirements listed in Annex IX. The Agency will evaluate all dossiers which include testing proposals relevant to Annex IX by 1 June 2016. All tests proposed on vertebrate animals will be subject to public consultation.



For the full press release and more information please refer to the ECHA link above.


REACH registration guidance, EU CLP SDS authoring and EU labelling are services provided by Nexreg Compliance. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about these services and other regulatory issues.





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