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WHMIS GHS transition in Canada: Everything you need to know

Nexreg Compliance

You may already be aware that the Government of Canada has recently amended the Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) and Hazardous Products Act (HPA), which apply to hazardous chemicals used in Canadian workplaces. The changes align Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Seventh revised edition and parts of the GHS Eighth revised edition.

This article provides an overview of the key changes that will be implemented by the 15 December 2025 deadline as well as details about how to stay in compliance.

Updates to WHMIS GHS requirements

How to maintain compliance

Companies have been given 3 years to transition to the new regulatory scheme and ensure that all safety documents, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and labels, have been updated by the 15 December 2025 deadline. During the transition period, SDSs and labels created according to either the previous HPR or the amended regulations are both considered to be compliant. Health Canada is planning to release the updated Technical Guidance on the requirements of the HPA and the HPR in Spring 2023, so keep an eye out for that.

Changes to workplace labels will be needed in situations where the product classification has changed because of new or clarified classification criteria, updated test methods, or the adoption of new hazard classes.

As for your SDS, Section 2 will need to be updated with any revised label warnings, where applicable. Some of the other information elements on the SDS will need to be adjusted based on revisions to Schedule 1 of the HPR, such as the Section 9 Physical Properties, which now includes a field for particle characteristics. The new HPR regulatory reference will also need to be included.

It is recommended to update your SDS every 3 years to check for revised chemical data and hazard information. Nexreg can assist you with all your SDS and label updates with customizations to fit your business needs.

Contact Nexreg today for assistance with WHMIS GHS compliance and more!

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