National Regulations Governing Labels:

Cyprus is a member of the European Union and as such is bound by EU regulations. For pure substances, Austrian labels must be compliant with the EU’s GHS based CLP-regulation No. 1272/2008 – labels created to be compliant with Directive 67/548/EEC have expired. For mixtures, labels can be compliant with either 1272/2008 or with the previous Directive 1999/45/EC.


Additional Regulations:

Cyprus is fully compliant with EU chemical regulation, refer here to view full legislation of the Cyprus Chemical Substances Law of 2010 (Law 78(I)/2010). For additional information on Cyprus chemical policy please refer to the Department of Labour Inspection chemical substance page. Additional information on labeling and standards can be found on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website.

In Cyprus the leading agency in consumer policy is the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. Here you can find relevant legislation and contact information concerning consumer safety legislation. Specifically the Office of Competition and Protection of Consumer has links to legislation specific to consumer safety that may be of interest to industry considering business in Cyprus. The Office of Competition also has links to consumer networks, announcements, training and policy.


GHS Implementation Status:

The EU has fully adopted GHS under their CLP Regulation (Regulation on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures). The deadline for having new Labels has passed for pure substances – it was November 30, 2010. The deadline for mixtures is May 31, 2015. Not all the building blocks in the United Nations’ Purple Book were adopted by the EU CLP regulation.


Language for required text:



Multi-Jurisdiction Label Options:



Extra language comments:

All specific hazard text can be provided in Greek or Turkish. Hazard text can be provided in additional languages upon request. Marketing text translation can be provided upon request.

Wayne Everett, Ph.D., International Lubricants, Inc.

International Lubricants, Inc. has been very pleased with the international regulatory compliance services that Nexreg Compliance Inc. provides to us. These services range from the generation of OSHA/WHMIS MSDS to CCCR compliance label reviews. We can rely upon the accuracy of their information and their attention to detail. In addition, their project turnaround times are excellent.