New Zealand SDS Authoring

National Regulations Governing SDSs

In New Zealand, chemicals are regulated under the following acts:

  • Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO Act)
  • Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996
  • Imports and Exports (Restrictions) Prohibition Order (No 2) 2004
  • Imports and Exports (Asbestos-containing Products) Prohibition Order 2016
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991

The transport of hazardous substances is covered by the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 (Rule 45001).

Additional Notices

Additionally, the Environmental Protections Authority has established several notices containing mandatory rules that must be followed to safely manage hazardous substances, including:

  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Safety Data Sheet) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidation June 2021
  • Hazardous Substances (Safety Data Sheets) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidation September 2022
  • Hazardous Substances (Hazard Classification) Notice 2020
  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Packaging) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidation April 2021
  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Labelling) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidation April 2021
  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Disposal) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidations April 2021
  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017 – EPA Consolidations April 2021
  • Consolidated Hazardous Substances (Importers and Manufacturers) Notice 2015 – EPA Consolidation April 2021
  • EPA Notices (Amendments and Revocations) Notice 2020

GHS Implementation Status

Multi – Jurisdiction SDS Options

New Zealand SDSs can be combined with Australian regulations.

I am very satisfied with the work provided by Nexreg. The work has been through, timely and reasonable. Additionally, both Mike Harvey and Nazifa Beganovic are very knowledgeable. Mike and Nazifa’s efforts have been an essential part of getting our MSDS program on track and positioned for the Global Harmonized System.
Jack CoverBonsal American, Inc.
We’re often asked by our clients to meet next-to-impossible deadlines, which means that we’re often forced to ask our vendors for the impossible. Working with Nexreg makes my job easier. They are experts at what they do, they pay attention to detail, and they make suggestions and offer advice – which makes us look like the experts. For regulatory compliance and translations, Nexreg ranks as one of the strategic partners we can always count on.
John S. WolowiecZoltun Design