National Regulations Governing Labels:

In New Zealand hazardous substances are regulated by the Hazardous Substance and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996. Labeling criteria, based on provisions in the HSNO can be found in HSNOCOP code 10 (Labeling of Hazardous Substances) approved in 2008. For more information on Hazardous substance regulations, policy, and for links to guides please refer to the Environmental Protection Agency.


Additional Regulations:

Chemicals are regulated under the following acts:

  • Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996
  • Health and Safety Employment (HSE) Act 1992
  • Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991

The transport of hazardous substances is covered by the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005 (Rule 45001/1), as amended by Rule 45001/2.


GHS Implementation Status:

GHS has been fully implemented in New Zealand.


Language for required text:



Multi-Jurisdiction Label Options:



Extra language comments:

All specific hazard text provided in English. Hazard text can be provided in additional languages upon request. Marketing text translation can be provided upon request.

Wayne Everett, Ph.D., International Lubricants, Inc.

International Lubricants, Inc. has been very pleased with the international regulatory compliance services that Nexreg Compliance Inc. provides to us. These services range from the generation of OSHA/WHMIS MSDS to CCCR compliance label reviews. We can rely upon the accuracy of their information and their attention to detail. In addition, their project turnaround times are excellent.