From the NHPD Monthly Communiqué:

The Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) would like to inform all applicants that in accordance with Section 93(1) (Next link will open in a new window) Section 93 (1)(b)(v) of the Natural Health Product Regulations, it is necessary to fully disclose on the label all information on the composition of blends used in the manufacture of natural health products. This includes the disclosure of both the medicinal ingredient (MI) and the quantity of each MI in the finished product.

The NHPD recognizes that this has been an issue for industry stakeholders, particularly when the company considers that disclosure of information may harm their competitive advantage, or when medicinal ingredients contained in “proprietary blends” are not disclosed to the applicant by the manufacturer of the blend. That being said, Section 93 (1) (b) (v) of the Natural Health Products Regulations (NHPR) explicitly requires that the quantity of all medicinal ingredients be listed on the label.

The full details can be found by clicking on the above link.