Apr. 6 – EU: Acrylamide Included in the REACH Candidate List of SVHC

The European Chemicals Agency has added Acrylamide (EC No 201-173-7 and CAS No 79-06-1) to the Candidate List of Substances Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation. Companies who manufacture or import this substance need to check their potential obligations that result from the listing. A short summary of the obligations is available on ECHA´s website: Summary of obligations resulting from inclusion in the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorisation

The ECHA 30 March 2010 press release is available here: Acrylamide included in the REACH Candidate List of Substances Very High Concern for Authorisation

Relevant Nexreg Compliance Links: REACH compliance, EU SDS authoring, SDS authoring