Aug. 13 EU: Public consultation on the first Application for Authorisation for Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

This notice is brought to you by the ECHA.



ECHA has received the first application for authorisation under the REACH Regulation. The application, made by Rolls-Royce plc., concerns the substance Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). The use applied for is the processing of a stop-off formulation containing DEHP during the diffusion bonding and manufacture of aero engine fan blades.


Interested parties can submit relevant information on alternatives via the web form on ECHA’s website. For an efficient and transparent process, submitted comments will be posted on ECHA’s website on a regular basis, unless the information needs to be treated as confidential. If the applicant provides a response to the comments, the response will also be published on ECHA’s website.


The eight-week public consultation closes on 9 October 2013, but contributions are welcome as soon as possible.



For more information and the full notice please refer to the ECHA link above.


For help with REACH compliance please contact Nexreg about our REACH compliance consulting services.