Aug. 25 – US: New Formaldehyde Regulations Are Headed Your Way
From: PropelMG.
Formaldehyde is “probably human carcinogen,” according to the EPA, and it’s labeled a “known human carcinogen” by other agencies…Besides being a carcinogen, formaldehyde is also a “VOC,” or volatile organic compound.
Formaldehyde is widely used in glues and adhesives; it’s a preservative in paints and finishes too. It’s also found in many manufactured products like insulation and some sheetgoods, cabinets, and furniture, especially if they use medium-density fiberboard, particleboard, and plywood.
In July, 2010, President Obama signed a new law that limits formaldehyde levels in wood, and it’s remarkable because it will affect the types and cost of cabinets available to anyone who builds or remodels houses. The law will be phased in (with the EPA writing implementation laws), but this is a clear trend to limit and eventually eliminate formaldehyde in building products, as far as possible.
To learn more about how this new law may affect your product, please click on the above link.
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