Aug. 26 EU: Public consultation launched on a proposal for revision of the harmonised classification and labelling on bisphenol A

This notice is brought to you by the ECHA.



France has submitted a proposal to amend the current harmonised classification and labelling of bisphenol A from reproductive toxicity category 2 (hazard statement code H361f) to reproductive toxicity Category 1B (hazard statement code H360F). The CLH proposal is focused on the adverse effects on sexual function and fertility. Therefore, ECHA would like to stress that the public consultation is targeted at the adverse effects on sexual function and fertility only, not on developmental toxicity or other hazard classes than reproductive toxicity.


The CLH report and the dedicated webform to post the comments are available on the ECHA website. The comments received during the public consultation will be regularly published on the ECHA website during the 45-day consultation phase.



For the proposed classification and the full notice please refer to the ECHA link above.


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