Brazil’s Congress Passes Bill to Curb Use of Animals for Cosmetic Testing

This news update on Animals for Cosmetic Testing is brought to you by SpecialChem.



Cruelty Free International campaign victory as Brazil Congress votes that most cosmetics tests must be without the use of animals.


A Bill passed by Brazil’s Congress drastically curbs the use of animals for cosmetic testing. The Bill will come into force in 90 days’ time, and will ban the use of animals in tests for cosmetics where alternatives have already been established.


Alternatives which have been approved internationally will be accepted. Animal testing will still be allowed for the rare case of novel ingredients developed for use in cosmetics, but even this will be prohibited after an alternative method has been established or in 5 years, whichever happens first.


The Bill was hammered out in detailed negotiations between its sponsor, Representative Ricardo Izar (PSD-SP), Cruelty Free International’s Brazilian campaign manager Dr Frank Alarcon and government officials including the major testing and validation authorities.



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