Jan. 10 UK: Consultation Opens on Streamlining Chemical Regulations

This notice is brought to you by the UK HSE.

On the 20th December 2012 The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) launched a six week consultation on changes to chemicals legislation.

The consultation sets out how HSE proposes to simplify the regulations without adding new responsibilities or reducing important protection for workers, the public or the environment from hazardous substances. Views are also being sought on suggested changes to how HSE enforces regulations governing the import and export of chemicals to make enforcement more proportionate.

The proposed changes will deliver the recommendation to consolidate biocides sector legislation set out in the Löfstedt report published in November 2011.

Deborah Traynor, HSE’s consultation manager, said:
“Simplifying and consolidating the regulatory requirements concerning biocides,CLP and PIC will make it more straightforward for businesses in the chemical industry to understand and comply with their responsibilities.

“The proposed statutory instrument will update and largely mirror existing regulatory provisions for biocides, PIC and CLP. There will be no reduction in the protection from hazardous substances for workers, the public or environment.

For more information and the full notice please refer to the link above.