Jan. 16 – EU: New EU Safe Toy Rules, New Chemical Requirements

A release from the EU: New EU rules for safe toys for our children:

The European Commission welcomes today’s adoption by the European Parliament of its proposal to substantially strengthen EU-rules on toy safety. It gives consumers assurance that toys sold in the EU fulfil the highest safety requirements world-wide, especially those relating to the use of chemical substances.

The new legal framework addresses a wide range of issues to ensure that toys do not present any health hazards or risk of injury. It improves the existing rules for the marketing of toys that are produced in and imported into the EU in view to reducing toy related accidents and to achieving long-term health benefits.

New chemical requirements

Chemicals that are susceptible to provoke cancer, change genetic information or harm reproduction, so-called CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic for Reproduction) substances are no longer allowed in accessible parts of toys. For certain substances like nickel the tolerable limit values have been reduced and those heavy metals which are particularly toxic, like lead or mercury, may no longer be intentionally used in toys. Allergenic fragrances are either completely forbidden, if they have a strong allergenic potential, or have to be labelled on the toy if they are potentially allergenic for some consumers.

Click on the above link for more information.

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