Jul. 14 EU: Mexico Is First In The Region To Put GHS Into Practice
On June 3, 2011, Mexico became the first country in the region to put the Global Harmonized System (GHS) for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals GHS into practice. The GHS standard NMX-R-019-SCFI-2011 has 2 parts: the Hazard Communication program in Mexico and GHS implementation.
The Mexican government states the following as the main objective of the new GHS standard:
This standard establishes criteria for Mexicans to classify chemicals according to their physical hazards, health and the environment. It also establishes the elements of hazard communication standard chemicals and the requirements for labeling and data sheets for their safety. This standard applies to the entire Mexican territory to classify chemicals and is the basis for the implementation of Hazard communication systems (labeling, marking, safety data sheets, etc.) of the agencies of the Public Administration within the scope of its powers. The requirements and characteristics of the labeling of products classified by applying criteria contained in this International Standard will be those established in rules issued by the Public Administration entities within the scope of its powers. Based on the provisions of the Purple Book of the United Nations are exempt from the application of this rule: pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics; pesticide residues in food and hazardous waste.
For more information on the standard, please visit the SEGOB website.