Jul. 31 – Canada: CCCR Consumer Label Advice

Spray Technology and Marketing magazine has an informative article writen by Health Canada on the subject of CCCR regulations.  This in particular caught our eye:

Enforcement: Audit

In order to verify that the classification process was completed, Health Canada’s Product Safety Officers will routinely monitor the marketplace for chemical products.  An officer may, at any time under suspicion of violation, contact the responsible company to arrange a meeting (an “audit”) to verify all records associated with the classification of the product.

For the audit to run smoothly, Health Canada recommends that all chemical product manufacturers, importers and distributors read and fill out the “Guide to Consumer Chemical Product Assessment” ( http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/cps-spc/pubs/indust/hpa-pcc/guide-evaluation-eng.php ).  This guide provides a step-by-step explanation of the classification and audit processes, and includes checklists of the required information to facilitate record-keeping.

Click on the above link for more information.

Relevant Nexreg Compliance Links: NexregCCCR Consumer Label Reviews, WHMIS MSDS Authoring.