July 27 – EU: France Passes New Environmental Law that Impacts Consumer Products
From the Bureau Veritas Group:
The French National Assembly adopted a Law on 12 July 2010 (loi n°2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010 portant engagement national pour l’environnement) (Grenelle 2 Law) relative to the National engagement for the environment. It was published in the French Official Journal of 13 July and adopts several measures related to consumer products and environmental concerns.
Key Points:
Quality of Inside Air
Starting in January 2012, building products, furniture, wall and floor coverings, paints and varnishes that release certain volatile polluting agents into the air, will require mandatory labelling. (A decree will specify the products that are covered by the mandatory labelling.)Environmental Labelling
Beginning in July 2011, a one year experiment will begin to progressively inform the consumer about:
• the content in “carbon equivalent” products and their packaging, and
• the consumption of natural resources, or impact of these products, on the natural environment during their life cycle.
Follow the links for more information.
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