From the May 12th 2007 Canada Gazette: Notice of identification of the third batch and the next proposed batches of the remaining substances in the Challenge:

Whereas the Government of Canada published on Saturday, December 9, 2006, in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Vol. 140, No. 49, the Notice of intent to develop and implement measures to assess and manage the risks posed by certain substances to the health of Canadians and their environment in which it is highlighted how it intends to address approximately 200 chemical substances identified as high priorities for action;

Notice is hereby given that the Government of Canada is identifying the 20 substances assigned for batch 3, listed in Schedule 1 to this notice.

In August 2007, the Government of Canada intends to publish technical documentation on these substances and will subsequently challenge interested parties to submit the specific information detailed in the technical documentation.

Notice is also hereby given that the Government of Canada is proposing the substances in batches 4 to 12, listed in Schedule 2 to this notice. Formal notice of identification of substances assigned to a batch will continue to be issued in the Canada Gazette, Part I, three months before a challenge is issued for that batch.

Any person may within 120 days of publication of this notice file comments with respect to the proposed batches 5 to 12. Because the Government of Canada will identify the substances assigned to batch 4 in August 2007, any person may, within 60 days of publication of this notice, file comments with respect to the proposed batch 4.

Thank you to reader JO for bringing to our attention that we had yet to post this.