June. 5 EU: Additional substance proposed for evaluation

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.


Based on the notification by Germany, ECHA is considering the inclusion of 1,4-benzenediamine, N,N’-mixed phenyl and tolyl derivs. (CAS 68953-84-4, EC 273-227-8) in the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP).


The German competent authority considers that the substance may have PBT properties, but notes that further assessment and possibly additional information is needed to clarify the concern. Substance evaluation is a process under REACH, which can be used for requiring further information on substances.


Based on Article 45(5) of REACH, a Member State may notify ECHA at any time of a substance not on the CoRAP, whenever it has information which suggests that the substance is a priority for evaluation. The Agency then decides, after consulting the Member State Committee, whether to add this substance to the CoRAP. If the substance is added to the CoRAP, the proposing Member State, or another Member State who agrees, shall evaluate that substance. The evaluation period would start from the publishing date of the substance’s inclusion in the CoRAP.


For the full press release and more information please refer to the “ECHA” link above.