Mar. 1 EU: ECHA offers support to registrants in exceptional cases
This notice is brought to you by the ECHA.
Companies facing exceptional situations that are likely to prevent them from registering on time should inform ECHA well ahead of the deadline of 31 May 2013.
At the first registration deadline in 2010, the Directors’ Contact Group (DCG) including the European Commission, ECHA and six participating European industry organisations identified exceptional scenarios where registrants may, through no fault of their own, find themselves in difficulty submitting a full registration dossier by the registration deadline.
ECHA is again offering help for companies affected by four scenarios identified by the DCG where companies face similar difficulties regarding the upcoming registration deadline of 31 May 2013. ECHA does so either by relying on its discretionary rights under REACH or by providing companies with a transparent means to demonstrate good faith.
For more information and the full notice please refer to the link above.