May 16 EU: First notification deadline Substances of Very High Concern in articles
From ECHA Newsletter – April 2011:
On 1 June 2011, all EEA producers and importers of articles will have to notify ECHA about any Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) on the EU Candidate List1 if both of the following conditions are met:
-the substance is present in articles produced and/or imported above a concentration of 0.1% (weight by weight)
-the total amount of the substance present in all articles exceeds 1 tonne per producer/importer annually
To support producers and importers of articles in complying with their legal requirements, ECHA has made available web pages on this specific issue. These pages include questions and answers and a data submission manual containing practical advice on how to carry out a notification. An updated version of the Guidance on requirements for substances in articles was published on the ECHA website on 1 April.
There will also be a webinar hosted by ECHA on the notification of substances in articles on May 19, 2011. Additional information and registration for this is available in the below link.
ECHA announces its webinar on notification of substances in articles