May 2 EU: Public consultations launched on CLH proposals for two borates and a pesticide

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ECHA is seeking comments on harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) proposals for  two borates and the pesticide fenpyroximate. The public consultations will be open for 45 days and will end on 14 June 2013.

The CLH proposals for the two borates disodium octaborate, anhydrate and disodium octaborate, tetrahydrate, have been submitted by the Netherlands. Neither substance has an existing harmonised classification and for both substances the dossier submitter is proposing classification for reproductive toxicity based on the adverse developmental and fertility effects observed in several species.

The CLH proposal for the pesticide fenpyroximate was submitted by the German competent authority. This substance also does not have a harmonised classification, and the proposal includes both health and environmental hazards.

For more information and the full notice please refer to the ECHA link above.