May. 22 EU: ECHA calls for a new round of comments on etridiazole’s reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity

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ECHA is launching an additional CLH public consultation on the reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity of etridiazole (EC No 219-991-8, CAS No 2593-15-9). New comments on these hazard classes are welcome.

The proposal for harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) of etridiazole was submitted by the Netherlands in February 2012 and was already subject to a public consultation which ended on 13 April 2012.

After the closure of that public consultation, concerns have been raised by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) regarding reproductive toxicity. In particular, the relevance of the data on malformations and maternal toxicity induced by etridiazole for CLH is of special concern.

In addition, the interpretation of data concerning the carcinogenic potential of etridiazole is under RAC discussion.

For more information and the full notice please refer to the “ECHA” link above.