Nov. 13 EU: ECHA initiates eight-week public consultations on applications for authorisation for DEHP and DBP

This news alert is brought to you by the ECHA.



ECHA has received seven applications for authorisation for uses of DEHP and DBP and now invites interested parties to submit relevant information on alternatives to these uses.


Interested parties can submit relevant information via the web form on ECHA’s website. For an efficient and transparent process the submitted comments will be posted on ECHA’s website on a regular basis, unless the information needs to be treated as confidential. If the applicant provides a response to the comments, the response will also be published on ECHA’s website.


All information on alternatives submitted during the public consultation will be reviewed and considered by the ECHA committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC). Based on the final opinions of the two committees, the European Commission will take a decision as to whether to grant the applicants an authorisation for the uses applied for, or not.


The eight-week public consultations close on 8 January 2014 (23:59 Helsinki time) but contributions are welcome as soon as possible.



The full news alert and more information can be found through the ECHA link above.


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