Nov. 19 US: EPA Official Says Senate Bill Needs Deadlines To Spur Completion of Chemical Reviews

This article is brought to you by Bloomberg BNA.



Legislators crafting a bill to modernize the Toxic Substances Control Act should ensure that the legislation includes deadlines by which the Environmental Protection Agency must complete its analyses of chemicals if they want the agency to make timely decisions about whether those chemicals are safe or have risks that should be managed, a senior agency official told a House subcommittee Nov. 13.


Without meaningful legal deadlines, it could take EPA years between the time it determines a chemical wouldn’t meet a revised law’s safety standard and any regulation the agency could issue to manage identified risks, Jones said.


The bill would require the EPA–for the first time–to systematically review the safety of all chemicals in commerce and to prioritize its work on chemicals to focus first on those posing the greatest potential risk.



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