Nov. 20 EU: ECHA publishes best practices for qualitative assessment of human health risks

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA concerning best practices.

ECHA has issued Practical Guide 15 on “How to perform a qualitative human health assessment and report it in a Chemical Safety Report”. It is intended for REACH registrants, particularly those who are preparing for the REACH 2013 deadline.

The guide supports registrants in performing a qualitative risk characterisation for human health effects where a threshold cannot be established. It describes the methodologies and tools that can be applied, how the appropriate risk management measures can be selected and how the qualitative assessment can be documented in a chemical safety report. These aspects are illustrated by examples from typical occupational settings.

The Practical Guide is based on Part E (Risk Characterisation) of the Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment.

For the full press release please refer to the link above.