Nov. 26 EU: First four conclusion documents on substance evaluation published on ECHA website

This news alert is brought to you by the ECHA.



The substance evaluation on ethylene oxide, tributyl phosphate, m-tolylidene diisocyanate and toluene has been concluded and the related conclusion documents are published. If needed, the authorities may consider actions for further risk management.


Substance evaluation started in 2012 and Member States evaluated 36 substances. The first four cases from this batch are now concluded. In these cases the designated evaluating Member State decided not to ask any further information on these substances and hence no draft decision was prepared. The evaluating Member State has instead finalised its assessment and drawn conclusions about the suspected risks. This information is available in the conclusion documents. Additional information is available in the substance evaluation reports published on ECHA website.


The conclusion document summarises the evaluating Member State’s view on the potential need for risk management. However, this conclusion alone is not starting any new regulatory process and is not binding to the Member States or the Commission. The registrants, Member State competent authorities and the Commission are invited to take note of the conclusions drawn by the four Member States, and to consider if further actions for ensuring the safe use of the substances is necessary.



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