RAC and SEAC agree on new opinions on restriction and authorisation

This news update on RAC and SEAC is brought to you by ECHA.



ECHA’s Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) adopted an opinion on the restriction proposal of lead in consumer articles submitted by Sweden. SEAC and the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) agreed on several draft opinions for applications for authorisation of phthalates.


Helsinki, 24 March 2014 – The highlights are briefly presented below:


Restriction proposal on lead in consumer articles


Following the submission by Sweden of a restriction proposal aimed at reducing children’s exposure to lead from mouthing consumer articles, and the December 2013 RAC opinion which concluded that a risk for neurodevelopmental effects exists, SEAC now adopted its final opinion on the proposal by a significant majority. SEAC confirmed its draft opinion of December 2013 that the proposed restriction is justified and proportionate, provided that the scope and/or conditions are modified to better define the articles which are covered by the proposal. Having considered the twenty-one comments received during the public consultation on the draft opinion agreed in December 2013, SEAC did not change its opinion but has improved its clarity and consistency by introducing a number of additional modifications in the justification of the opinion.


Applications for authorisation for the phthaltes, DBP and DEHP


RAC and SEAC discussed sixteen uses of DEHP and DBP within seven applications for authorisation. RAC agreed on draft opinions for four uses and SEAC on draft opinions for two uses. RAC and SEAC will discuss the remaining uses of DEHP and DBP in June 2014.


Reference dose response curves for trichloroethylene


RAC made progress with developing dose-response relationships for the carcinogenicity of trichloroethylene. Once agreed, RAC will use these non-legally binding risk estimates to evaluate applications for authorisation in a predictable and transparent manner.



For more information on RAC and SEAC please visit the ECHA link above.  Please contact Nexreg for Regulatory Services.