REACH 2018 Deadline

The REACH 2018 deadline is rapidly approaching.


Reach Compliance


May 31, 2018 will be the last registration date for existing chemicals.


Different from the previous deadlines (2010 and 2013), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is expecting up to 60,000 registrants will be prepared to list up to 25,000 substances, which is almost 3 times more than the previous years.


Back in January 2015, ECHA published a roadmap to REACH 2018, which outlines the Agency’s plan to improve and help the registration process. The roadmap was based closely on the seven phases of a registration process. These seven phases are:



    1. Knowing the portfolio and starting now;


    1. Finding out the co-registrants;


    1. Co-operating with the co-registrants;


    1. Assessing all the hazards and risks;


    1. Preparing the registration dossier in IUCLID;


    1. Submitting the registration dossier in REACH-IT; and


    1. Keeping the registration up-to-date.



Once this registration is carried out, REACH will result in a large improvement of health and the environment in Europe. The improvement will allow ECHA to have increased knowledge in their database about company’s everyday operations and this will allow authorities to use regulatory risk management.


For more information, please visit ECHA’s website. To inquire about REACH compliance, please contact Nexreg.