SCIP Database

ECHA’s SCIP database aims to improve transparency on hazardous substances in articles

On 9 September 2019, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published the information requirements for the upcoming database on articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List. This new SCIP database will contain information on substances of concern in articles, as such or in complex objects (products).

Companies will need to submit information to the database beginning 5 January 2021. Under the revised Waste Framework Directive, suppliers of articles containing an SVHC will need to provide information on the safe use of the product to ECHA. The aim of this new initiative is to reduce the generation of waste containing hazardous substances and promote substitution of SVHCs with safer alternatives. This is of importance for waste separation and recycling because it will help ensure that substances of concern are not incorporated into new products made from recycled materials.
The database will provide consumers with the information needed to make informed purchase decisions and it will allow authorities to monitor substances of concern in articles and determine if further regulatory actions are required.

What must be submitted?

From 5 January 2021, suppliers of articles containing a Candidate List substance need to provide the following information to ECHA:

• information pertaining to the identification of the article;
• the name, concentration range, and location of the SVHC in the article; and
• other information relevant to the safe use of the article, especially if the above information is not sufficient to ensure proper management of the article as a waste

The substance concentrations will be collected as ranges so that confidential business information will not need to be provided.

Submission applicability

The submission requirement is triggered by the presence of an SVHC on the Candidate List at a concentration greater than 1% by weight in the article. This means that most articles on the European market will not need to be notified since they do not contain SVHCs exceeding this limit.

EU manufacturers, importers, and distributors of articles as well as other actors who place articles on the market are responsible for submission to the SCIP database. Retailers and others supplying articles directly to consumers are not obligated to submit information to ECHA.

What’s next?

ECHA plans to launch a prototype of the database in early 2020 to give companies a chance to get familiar with the program and prepare for submissions.


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