The Biocides Submission Tool: Member States and ECHA to update information on biocidal product authorisations
This news update regarding the biocides submission tool is brought to you by ECHA.
ECHA and the Member State competent authorities will correct and complete information in the biocides submission tool, R4BP 3, regarding the product authorisations that have expired in error.
Some companies have had difficulties managing their product authorisations since their assets have erroneously expired and “disappeared” from the R4BP 3 system preventing the companies from updating any information.
ECHA has now asked the competent authorities that grant authorisations for biocidal products to urgently send information to the Agency on the expired assests for authorisation that are still valid. Once ECHA receives this information, it will activate the assets and insert a correct expiry date in the R4BP 3 database. This is expected to be completed by end of May at the latest.
ECHA apologises to authorisation holding companies for any inconvenience caused.
For more information regarding the biocides submission tool please follow the ECHA link above. Please contact Nexreg for MSDS services.