The SPC editor: New Summary Product Characteristic (SPC) editor for biocides authorisation

This news update on The SPC Editor is brought to you by ECHA.



ECHA has launched a new online tool, the SPC editor, to be used by companies and authorities for the authorisation of products and product families under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).


The new tool helps companies to apply for authorisation for their products either on a national or European level by creating structured summaries of the characteristics (SPC) for both products and product families. The tool is fully compatible with the new version 3.2 of R4BP, which will be launched on 3 December 2014. The SPC provides R4BP with some of the data that are necessary for product authorisation. The new SPC format will be mandatory for new product authorisation from December 2014 onwards. It will not be mandatory for the renewal of a product authorisation.


The SPC editor helps industry and authorities to carry out their duties under the BPR. Users will be able to create new documents and amend existing ones, for example, applicants can create new versions of existing SPCs for an additional Member State or the EU market. The tool will soon be updated to support all EU languages and Norwegian. The new structure of the SPC will make data dissemination easier and, in the long run, could support the comparative assessment of different products.



For more information on The SPC Editor, please visit the ECHA link above. Please contact NExreg for Regulatory Services.