Jan. 30 EU: QSAR Toolbox 3.1 now available

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA.

The QSAR Toolbox helps companies and authorities to use Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship ((Q)SAR) methodologies to group chemicals into categories and to fill data gaps by read-across or trend analysis in order to assess the (eco)toxicity hazards of chemicals to be registered under REACH. This helps to reduce costs and the use of vertebrate animals.

The new features of the QSAR Toolbox 3.1 are:

  • New database for observed rat in vivo metabolism;
  • Updated auto oxidation, rat liver metabolism, skin metabolism and microbial metabolism simulators;
  • Updated DNA binding profiler;
  • Interface improvements: added list of the latest entered substances, added list of latest opened files, new hint windows and warning messages;
  • Additional ways of expressing mixtures composition (fraction, mass concentration, volume concentration).

For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.