Changing Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) is more than just removing one letter. It represents the new Safety Data Sheet that reflects the most recent Globally Harmonized System (GHS).


Today, the new SDSs are a more improved version of the MSDS, which meets the requirements of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 2015), and the GHS and offers more practical advantages for the stakeholders in connection with the materials that are used in the workplace, employees and employers and manufacturers.


There have also been many cases highlighting the fact that searching for information was not always a simple task. Now with the new SDS, there is a standard structure within the wording. For example, the paragraph first aid is always in the fourth paragraph, as that is relating to the handling and storage which is found within the seventh paragraph.


This new standard structure of SDSs will help to reduce the burden on various manufacturers to adapt the SDS to OSH regulations of the countries where its customers are located, therefore making international trade more convenient.


To for information, please visit Safety Notes. Please contact Nexreg for SDS/MSDS Updating, Authoring, Translation and Compliance.