Nine Substances of Very High Concern Listed Under REACH, 10 Others Nominated

This news update on Nine Substances of Very High Concern is brought to you by Bloomberg BNA.



The European Commission has officially designated nine chemicals, including one used to make coated galvanized steel, as substances of very high concern, meaning their uses will have to be authorized.


In a separate action, Austria, Denmark, Germany and Sweden announced their intent to nominate an additional 10 chemicals as substances of very high concern (SVHC).


The European Commission regulation, published in the Aug. 19 Official Journal of the European Union, carries out recommendations made by the European Chemicals Agency in 2013.


The regulation places nine chemicals on the Annex 14 list of the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals (REACH) regulation (EC 1907/2006).


Listing in Annex 14 means the substance can’t be used without specific authorization. The Aug. 19 regulation includes deadlines by which authorization requests must be filed. Depending on the chemical, the deadlines fall between Feb. 22, 2016, and July 22, 2017.



For more information on the Nine Substances of Very High Concern, please visit the Bloomberg BNA link above. Please contact Nexreg for REACH compliance.