Nov. 29 EU: Reminder to companies of obligations for substances and mixtures coming into effect from 1 December 2012

This press release is brought to you by the ECHA about the mandatory change from DSD to CLP.

Concerning substances, companies must re-label and re-package in accordance with the CLP Regulation all substances that are currently labelled and packaged according to the Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD, directive 67/548/EEC). However, all hazardous substances must continue to be classified in accordance with both the CLP Regulation and the Dangerous Substances Directive until 1 June 2015, after which only the CLP classification applies.

In addition, companies must update the SDSs of substances and mixtures according to the amended Annex II of the REACH Regulation, also from 1 December 2012. This update will include changes in format and content. Changes with respect to classification, labelling and packaging of mixtures in accordance with CLP are required by 1 December 2015.

For more information and the full press release please refer to the link above.