Coffee products containing a carcinogen: Big name coffee chains drawn into acrylamide fight

This news update on coffee products containing a carcinogen is brought to you by The Royal Society of Chemistry.



Starbucks and other big name coffee chains are being sued in California in a bid to get them to label their coffee products as containing a carcinogen. A non-profit is claiming that because of the levels of acrylamide in these chains’ coffee consumers need to be warned.


The California-based Council for Education and Research on Toxics (CERT) is suing Starbucks and other companies like Dunkin’ Donuts, Seattle’s Best Coffee and Whole Foods Market under California’s proposition 65 rule, which requires warning labels to be placed on products that contain chemicals linked to cancer.


Acrylamide is a by-product of roasting coffee beans and can also be found in other foods, such as cooked vegetables and baked goods. CERT argues that, because acrylamide is listed in California’s proposition 65 as a carcinogen, these companies are required to warn their customers that it’s in the coffee they serve. CERT also alleges that since June 2002, these companies have violated Californian law by exposing millions of individuals to acrylamide without proper labelling.



For more information on coffee products containing a carcinogen, please visit The Royal Society of Chemistry link above. Please contact Nexreg for Prop 65 Compliance.