Energy legislation and toxic chemical safety reform: Chemical industry optimistic on energy legislation, toxics reform

This news update on energy legislation and toxic chemical safety reform is brought to you by The Hill.



The chemical manufacturing industry is optimistic after last week’s election that Congress will pass energy legislation and toxic chemical safety reform that it supports.


Both have gotten attention from lawmakers, but Democratic leaders in the Senate did not want to move forward with them, said Cal Dooley, president of the American Chemistry Council (ACC).


“We think we see the real opportunity for enhanced leadership on moving forward with a comprehensive domestic energy policy that will have bipartisan support,” Dooley told journalists Monday.


As one of the top energy intensive industries in the country, chemical manufacturers want to keep energy costs down and be protected from potential increases, Dooley said.


He said the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rules to restrict carbon dioxide pollution from power plants have the potential to increase electricity costs, along with potential rules to lower the acceptable concentrations of ground-level ozone.



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