Jun. 2 – New Proposed Canadian Hazard Label Law

Since this is a private member’s bill from an opposition member it is never likely to see the light of day. That being said, you should be aware of it. From the Ottawa Citizen:

Everyday products sold in Canada — from lipstick to laundry detergent — would be forced to carry warning labels listing toxic ingredients as hazardous under a private member’s bill backed by consumer groups.

Bolstered by the environmental law group Toxic Free Canada and the Quebec consumer group Options Consommateur, Peter Julian of the New Democrats tabled legislation yesterday requiring that all products sold in Canada have clear warning labels specifying their toxic substances.

Hazard labelling legislation has already been adopted in the European Union and California.

In Canada, the cosmetics industry must list all ingredients in their products, but there is no provision for the identification through hazard labelling of any toxic ingredients.

Click on the above link to learn more.