Nov. 17 – Canada: Alberta to ban residential weed-and-feed use

New herbicide law from the Canadian province of Alberta:

The Alberta government says farm chemicals won’t be affected in its plan to ban the sale of combination herbicide-fertilizer products for home and garden use.

Environment Minister Rob Renner announced Thursday that herbicide-fertilizer combinations, commonly known as “weed-and-feed” products, will no longer be sold in Alberta starting Jan. 1, 2010.

The decision “will not impact the agriculture sector or the landscaping industry since these products are almost exclusively used on homeowners’ lawns,” the province said in a release. And products intended for spot application to weeds will still be available for sale and home use, the province added.

2,4-D, a Group 4 herbicide used in such weed-and-feed products, is “highly mobile” and commonly appears in water downstream of municipalities, the province said, when excess chemical runs off lawns into drainage systems and is deposited into creeks and rivers.

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