Dec. 17 – Canada: Health Minister critizes Liberal vote on Bill C-6

From the Toronto Star – Liberal senators vote to change product safety bill:

The federal health minister is “outraged” that Liberal senators were able to get their way in changing a bill that would overhaul consumer product safety legislation in Canada.

“I am outraged the Senate has amended our Consumer Product Safety Act. Liberal Senators are putting the health and safety of Canadian families at risk,” Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said in a statement following the vote Tuesday. “The Liberal Senators’ amendments do nothing to help protect the health and safety of Canadians. Instead, they’re attempting to introduce loopholes, administrative delays and an uneven playing field for industry, (which) has significantly limited our ability to prevent home-based businesses from putting dangerous products on the marketplace.”

The bill cleared the House of Commons with unanimous support in June and MPs could vote to reject the amendments when the bill returns there early next year.

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